・Shopping at TIKUSAN
Q. Are the taxes included in the product price?
A. Japanese taxes are not included in the price. Depending on the country of your location, some taxes may be charged at checkout.
Q. Will customs duty be charged?
A. In most cases, customs duties will not be incurred for shipments from our warehouse in the United States to addresses within the country. However, if you purchase from outside the U.S. or place a special order to have items shipped from Japan, you may be required to pay customs duties on some items but this addition will be already included in the price at the time of purchase and will not need to be paid at a later time.
Q. Is there any country from which orders are not accepted?
A. When the products are added to the cart, the shipping fee will be shown automatically. Orders cannot be completed if the shipping fee is not shown. Furthermore, shipment of orders may be temporarily suspended due to circumstances related to COVID-19.
Q. Which payment methods do you accept?
A. Credit card (VISA, Master Card, American Express, JCB), Shop Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal.
Q. Which languages does your store use?
A. Our website is currently available only in English. English or Japanese is available for customer support.
Q. Is gift wrapping possible?
A. Unfortunately, we currently do not offer gift wrapping services.
Q. Is there any discount for bulk orders?
A. Yes, the shipping is free for regular orders of $100 or more. For discounts related to large orders or wholesale, please contact us using the contact form.
Q. Where is the order confirmation email?
A. First, please check if the email address is correct. Next, please check your junk/spam email box and set up to receive emails from info@tikusan.net
Q. How can part of the order be changed or cancelled after purchase?
A. After making a purchase, cancellation is possible but not guaranteed. Cancellation requests will not be accepted for orders that have already been shipped. To request a cancellation, please contact us at info@tikusan.net.
For more detail, please see our refund policy.
Q. How long will it take for refunds to reflect in my bank account?
A. For credit/debit cards, it will take up to 30 days. For PayPal, it will take 3 to 5 business days.
Q. Where are products shipped from?
A. We typically ship from our warehouse in the United States. If the items do not appear in stock on our website or for special bulk orders, shipping from Japan may be possible so please feel free to contact us directly.
Q. How long does it take to receive an item after making a purchase?
A. When you place an order, you will see the estimated arrival date of your order.
Q. Can products be shipped to Japan?
A. Unfortunately, shipping to Japan is generally not possible.
Q. How can I change the delivery address?
A. Please contact us as soon as possible if you would like to change the delivery address after making a purchase. You will not be able to change it if your order has already been shipped. However, we will notify the shipping company so that you can communicate with them directly.
Q. Why hasn't the tracking information been updated?
A. If the tracking information hasn't been updated for a few weeks, your order may be lost. Please contact us via Contact Form or info@tikusan.net so that we can investigate it further.
Q. My order was sent back due to being away from my home at the time of delivery. What should I do?
A. Please contact the delivery service as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot arrange redelivery for you. Kindly be aware that requests for refunds cannot be accepted for orders returned due to expiration of the storage period at your delivery service.
Any unanswered questions?
Please feel free to ask us anytime.